How To Create High Selling Landing Pages - Digital Paivardha

 Your home page is just like the living room of your house that showcases the kind of people living in the house. And, landing pages are the rooms that help visitors delve deeper into understanding what kinds of people live there. In other words, your site’s home page is the platform, and your landing pages are the different departments that attract targeted traffic generated from specific search queries. Depending upon your visitor’s search intent, you would send him to a specific page where his thirst is quenched, leading to generating conversions. Therefore, the main objective of a landing page is to narrow down and capture targeted traffic, and turn them into leads and customers. Thus, your landing page must convey high value and huge profits. In fact, SEO consultants in Hyderabad confirm that marketing campaigns that use landing pages as their target pages, improve conversion rates by 25%! If you also want the same results, you must follow these steps to bring to your landing pages high conversions.

Do a keyword research

You need to match the searchers’ intent with the topics of your landing pages, for which you need to do a keyword research. Users have very short attention spans that last only for 2-3 seconds to have them to decide whether or not they want to click on your link, or whether or not they want to engage with your site. This is why it is imperative that you use the keywords on your landing pages that closely match users’ search intents. Your keyword suggestions should be based on brand terms, generic terms, competitive terms, and their synonyms. And, for this, you can use tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, Bing Keyword Research Tool, and WordTracker Keyword Research Tool. These tools not only provide in-depth keyword suggestions, but also the estimates of their search volume.

Include keywords wisely into your pages

Once you have a list of your keywords, you can start aligning them with your landing pages to make them SEO-friendly. But, remember to use only 2-3 primary keywords for each page, instead of filling up your page with a variety of keywords. Add your targeted keywords wisely to each page by matching them with the topic of your page. Also, consider applying your keywords in your URL, page title, headings, meta descriptions, and image alt texts.

Do a landing page SEO analysis

Now that your keywords are into the right places, you need to move a step further to properly conduct keyword mapping within your landing pages. For this, you need to run your landing page SEO analysis; meaning that you view the SEO performance of your landing pages, including their page speed score, broken links, backlinks, mobile-friendliness, etc. Find out any SEO issues and fix them at the earliest.

Include the best possible design elements

As mentioned above, a user’s time span is very short, which is why you need to make your landing page appealing and absorbing for your visitors. This means that you need to have a short, simple, uncluttered, and attractive landing page. Avoid distracting your visitors with too much on one page. Give them only a single focus and one task per page to make their decision-making certain and easy. The most important design elements that you need to work upon for your landing page include a strong company logo, a proposition-focused headline, a helpful sub-headline, topic-related content, neatly structured content, relevant and outstanding call-to-action buttons, and social media buttons.

Apart from these basic steps for building a high-selling landing page, you can approach a professional SEO company in Bangalore to help you know about some further steps that can help your particular brand and business to boost your traffic and conversions.

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